The rattlesnake attack

That was an extremely well done scene, probably the most intense scene in the movie. I guess I have never really seen a rattlesnake in action but when it was coiling up and snapping at Oates and Fonda, I got some chills down my spine and I'm not the kind of person that is scared of snakes at all.

Anyone else find that scene effective?


I agree. That scene works very well and builds tension mighty quickly.


I've heard it is the movie's most popular scene. I love them all, though.


It is a fantastic and very well executed scene.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


I am scared of snakes and i wouldn't do that scene in a million years. What happens if an actor gets bit? That actually happened to Brucke Lee on a movie set.

hard core at your door


When the snake was on the stove I was hoping he was going to turn on the burner! That would have been great. Or toss it into the microwave and turn up the juice. They made a point of showing the microwave twice, so i had hope maybe they'd toss the snake into it.


Yes it was a really scary scene in an exiting movie.Should have had the services of Sam L Jackson. In Snakes On A Plane he through a snake into a microwave oven. Ping.


I listened to a Podcast yesterday that was supposed to be a "podcast commentary" that you played along while watching the movie. I was in the car without the movie, but they were descriptive enough in their commentary to make it easy to follow along. Anyway, one of the commentators had watched the DVD and listened to the commentary track from the DVD and relayed a number of the commentary's bits of info.

Supposedly the snakes were milked of all their venom prior to shooting the scene and didn't possess enough venom to cause any problems had they struck. Apparently milking them of venom (and the weather?) caused them to be so low energy they had to put in a box and warmed with lamps in order for them to do anything!

Loretta Swit was apparently so afraid of snakes she refused to participate in the scene. They shot whatever parts she had separately and edited them in later.


They would be cgi today.


it was a great scene allright. i wonder if TARANTINO was inspired by this scene when he made KILL BILL 2.

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