After effects question

Hey guys, I am making short film, and I am interested in colorizing it in AE, and because I am sooo in love in PR movie photography, I was curios if is possible to color movie in post production so the tone of the film would resemble to Profondo rosso movie photography tone?


Not really. You can use filters but I would look into how the film was shot. The info is on imdb. If all else fails use super 8 film. It's what I'd do. I know what you're thinking and I want to do something similar in the near future.


Bryggreen is right. You can try fooling around with the filters but it will only ever be obviously filtered and it won't come close to achieving the same look. You'd have to do what filmmakers used to have to do and accomplish the look of the film on the set with lighting tricks. It's more work but the proof is in the pudding.
