MovieChat Forums > Profondo rosso (1976) Discussion > Stylish? Yes. Good? Not so much.

Stylish? Yes. Good? Not so much.

First of all, let me preface this by saying I have seen a LOT of movies, some good, many bad, but most with at least some qualities I could appreciate. This was my first Dario Argento film and therefore I had high hopes for it. What a disappointment! The opening scene was great, but nearly every subsequent scene was plodding and worse, insulting in the most patronizing way! This film makes an attempt to spoon feed you every little plot detail and then compounds the problem by attempting to pound it in to your head repeatedly. What is actually a decent overall story and mystery is thereby spoiled by not allowing you to participate in it. I couldn't wait for it to end, which is not a good thing when watching a film. There were some genuine moments of horror, but too often they were spoiled by lengthy and overdrawn attempts at suspense. It didn't help that the music that would precede the shocking moments was none too subtle and I daresay inappropriate for the mood of the movie. Don't get me wrong. I do appreciate innovation and experimentation, but I couldn't help but be drawn out of any scary mood by this music. However, I did really liked the children's song. It was very creepy. Variations and the like should have replaced the more modern Goblin Soundtrack. What was most maddening of all was the fact that the language kept shifting between Italian and English throughout the film, sometimes in mid scene!!! Overall, I think I see where Argento was trying to go with this film. It's a pity that he didn't trust his audience to be intelligent enough to get there on their own.


While Deep Red wasn't great, I thought it was Argento's second best film, behind Suspiria. The story was interesting for the most part, the visuals were great, and the characters weren't as annoying and underdeveloped as in most Argento flicks.

"You don't know what death is"-Sam Loomis (Halloween 2)


I watched Suspiria today and although it was definitely scarier, it was ultimately no better than Deep Red. All style, no substance. If these films are trying to say something, anything, about the human condition, I'm just not getting it. I'll admit there is a certain artistic flare, especially as far as the visuals are concerned, but masterpiece? I'm sorry, but I just don't get it. I can name many other movies predating these that are far more masterful, even within the horror genre. If somebody could explain what exactly elevates these films to classic status, I would be grateful. Until then, I plan to watch Phenomena in the hopes that the third film is the charm.



My personal favorite is still The Bird with the crystal plumage...

Who'd want to be men of the people when there's people like you?-A.M.



i kinda agree with the OP. my biggest problem with Deep Red is its too damn long with a lot of unnessecary scenes. but i admit that the whole movie got that Argento feeling and its nod bad just not that good either


I agree to most of what you write but the children's song... come on, it wasn't creepy at all.



More like stylish? Yes. Good? Hell yes!!!!!
