Music that could fit this?

Something that really stuck out to me in this film was the lack of a soundtrack. I feel as though it's perfect as is, and music underneath the stark imagery would not improve the film in any way.

If you had to, however, what music would you use that fits the mood of the film? I'm considering editing together a short tribute to the film, and I'd like some music. Something slow, definitely lonely, but with a tinge of hope and exploration. Not quite sure.

This film has affected me in a way I'll never be able to describe. A great film.



I will check that out. Thank you very much. Any and all suggestions are welcomed.




Michael Danna's "Breach" score or even a few cues from Goldsmith's "Poltergeist II" came to mind when I was viewing.

"All I want in life is a thirty share and a twenty rating."
