Classical guitar pieces

Throughout the movie, there were various classical guitar pieces (or maybe the same one; I wasn't paying enough attention to tell really). I was wondering if anyone knew what exactly the names of these pieces were. They're really beautiful, and I don't own the film to look at its credits, so I can't go back and look myself.

Thanks for any help!


Sorry don't know but the end of the movie had some excellent-sounding guitar playing on as well. I was moved.


One of them is 'La Grima', perhaps spelled 'Lagrima' by Tarrega. I think that one of the other pieces is by Tarrega as well. I don't know who the guitarist is on the soundtrack.

Frank Lee Deere. I don't give a damn.



great to know the music once and for all. i've had the movie since just before the dvd release (on bootleg) and the music has stuck with me since that first viewing. you're right the dvd release and the end credits says nothing of the music played in the film, shame since it was a lost opportunity to get exposed to new music. now, we'll see where we go.
thanks, to the ones who have identified them.


The piece at the very end of the film is a Catalan folksong called Canco del Lladre.


Thanks for the info. I simply couldn't get this film and piece out of my head.


Yes as Byzantine15 said, Lagrima by Tarrega is one of the pieces; the music for it is in "Solo Guitar Playing 1" by Frederick Noad. It's pretty easy to learn and a very nice sounding piece.
