MovieChat Forums > Picnic at Hanging Rock (1979) Discussion > films with similar ending/open narrative

films with similar ending/open narrative


I am interested to hear suggestions for films that have open endings, or a mystery that is not solved, or the unsolved mystery is the actual theme of the film. Two films come to mind:

L'Aventura (Antonioni)
A Passage to India

Interestingly, in these two plus PAHR, the open ending/unsolved mystery seems very motivated and plausible. I think this is also due to a narrative shift from the mystery itself to the consequences for the protagonists. In this regard, these three have a Kafkaesk element to them: a surreal situation and its (palausible) implications on the normal lives of the protagonists. From this angle, I would add the following films/TV shows to the list:

- The Trial (novel and film)
- Twin Peaks (film and TV series)
- Metamorphosis (novel)
- The Cube

Any other suggestions alongside the above criteria?



The Isle (2000); The Haunting (1963); Blow-Up.


Cache (2005)


I don't come from hell. I came from the forest.


The Blair Witch Project (1999)


Interesting. I cannot agree with The Haunting, neither The Isle but it is very difficult to define "open" anyway. Blair Witch and Picnic, for instance, have a narrative that is fairly conventional, ie we expect a resolution, but are not given one. Same with Blow Up. The Isle's narrative is not conventional at all, and no expectation for a resolution is being built up. The Haunting as a clear resolution, even if circumstances are somewhat mysterious.

Anyway, it depends how you define "open" so my question needs to be revised :-)


Troll Hunter... a lot less serious than PAHR but fun.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


The Mysterious Two, another eerie film. It's hard to get hold of, but thankfully is all on DVD.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!
