MovieChat Forums > One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) Discussion > That scene in a movie that makes you wan...

That scene in a movie that makes you want to watch it again....

[–] Culburn (1608) 17 hours ago

Chief using the water works to escape & taking McMurphy with him, denying Ratchet her victory.
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[–] Deliciousfeet (2835) 17 hours ago

Great scene! Of course that's one of those flicks I can't pass up...if it's on...IT'S ON!!!
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[–] Culburn (1608) 16 hours ago

But, twixt the end (seeing that lobotomy incision) and the young man's suicide (bright red blood) you're affected for a spell.


The basketball scene. The baseball scene. The fishing trip. Hell its just a great movie. :)


I like it when he is watching his very own baseball game on TV. The others are so into it with him, you would swear that the TV really was on!


"Rules? piss on your fucking rules Ms. Ratched"


LOL! I really must watch that movie again... and soon!



It was my privilege to see "Cuckoo's Nest" on its original release, in a full house in Los Angeles. The crowd reaction to so many many MOMENTS ...was incredible. Cheering, applause, actual yelling at times. Especially at the final scene of the movie.

Now, it is possible, this being LA near the studios that there were what are known as "shills in the audience" people paid by the studio to laugh hard and cheer to create goodwill for the movie and to "nudge" the rest of the audience into laughing and cheering, too.

But I really think most people there were "civilians" who got deeply into the emotion of the movie and how it continually builds to rousing moments.

Most of the moments I recall with cheers had to do with..The Chief.

Like when he dropped his mop when he saw McMurphy being beaten and held to the floor by the orderlies. Just on the sound of that mop hitting the floor....the crowd went wild and cheered. The Chief was gonna help McMurphy. He was gonna beat up the bullies.

Or when the Chief first spoke. "Juicy fruit." HUGE laughs, and big applause -- Nicholson's on-screen euphoria became contagious.

And of course, the finale. From the emotion of the Chief mercy killing McMurphy(with love) to his being able to do what McMurphy could not(lift the water unit), the crowd went from sadness to exhilaration. On the crashing of the unit through the window...cheers to the end of the movie, to the end of the CREDITS.

A great night at the movies. I'll never forget it.


Mr Harding ranting during the group meeting ⤵

" I'm not just talking about my wife, I'm talking about my LIFE, I can't seem to get that through to you. I'm not just talking about one person, I'm talking about everybody. I'm talking about form. I'm talking about content. I'm talking about interrelationships. I'm talking about God, the devil, Hell, Heaven. Do you understand... FINALLY?"


I actually like that guy! Many didn't.
He sort of reminds me of a certain poster on these boards.
No. It isn't you.


I liked him too, the only one I didn't like was Mr Sefelt.


Yeah. That scene in the end is awesome!
