About MST3K...

Let me preface this by saying that I do love MST, and that this has nothing at all to do with Mitchell. Joel is one of the most prolific minds of the '90s, take that however you will.

That said, I do have a beef with a culture that has arisen since MST became popular. I will address them here: *ahem*

1) You are not funny. If you were funny, people would be handing you bags with dollar signs on them in exchange for your opinion. We all paid the same $50 to see this movie, and you're not seeing a dime of it. Shut up and watch the movie.

2) Re-read #1. I'm so freakin' sick of sitting down to see a movie and finding the same half-dozen jackasses straggle in 5 minutes before the feature starts. There's the standard 3 apprehensive minutes where you wonder if they'll just sit down and watch the movie, showing respect to the other patrons. And then there's the next 120 minutes of agony while these retards entertain each other by interjecting their own lines into the movie and throwing popcorn at each other, acting like they've invented a new sport.

Repeat: I love MST3K, but there's a time and place for everything. These episodes were recorded by professionals who had days to review these movies and toss lines back and forth before recording the final product. You're not Joel. You're not Mike. You're not even Gypsy. You're an idiot in a dark room full of 3 dozen people who now hate you.

Shut up and watch the movie.

[End of Line]


Who the hell are you talking to


You paid $50 to go to a movie? And I thought the ticket prices at my local cinema were bad!


Night Mayor - Couldn't agree more. The Best Brains were professional comedians and even they couldn't make the interjections very funny without writing the whole thing before hand. People trying to be funny in the cinema is bound to drive me to extreme violence.




I have a friend who does that all the time; it's getting way too annoying and really embarassing, especially since he repeats the same lines in a lot of movies we see i.e. Ghost Ship or Jeepers Creepers.


*sigh* Ummmm....yeah, if a movie is not holding my attention or is getting completely stupid (like pretty much the entire second half of Independence Day I tend to mutter under my breath or, in the case of Pearl Harbor, start giggling uncontrollably, even as men are being cut in half by machine gun fire, simply because of the historical anachronisms that the filmmakers seem to have wanted to have in their movie...

BUT, I never show up late to a movie and I keep my popcorn to myself. After all, I paid for it. $7.50 for the movie and $42.50 for a medium tub of popcorn and medium Dr Pepper.


It really bugs me when cell phones go off during the movie. 'Specially when they go off during a dramatic scene or during an important part of the film. My wife and I sometimes sneak drinks into the theater to avoid paying $3.50 for a Coke.



Actually, loud babies/kids are the worst. What the f uck is wrong with parents who bring kids to see rated R films. I almost went berzerk a few weeks ago.


Oh yeah! I forgot about that. Drives me up the wall

For England, for home, and for the prize!


I once dressed in womens clothes.


A bet, or just for fun?



What the *beep* is wrong with parents who bring kids to see rated R films.

One of the last films I went to see at a theatre was "The Devil's Rejects" which I think can safely be described as a VERY hard R. I was shocked to see 14 year old girls in groups and, worse, a family with two small children. Did they think this was a PIXAR release?? The bloody hand from behind the door on the poster wasn't a tip-off, if not the friggin' title itself????! Of course after the first brutal murder the children (5, 7 years old??) are crying hysterically and the parents take FOREVER (at least 30 min) to remove them from the theatre.

Just makes you wanna call child welfare services...

Yes, I killed Yvette. I hated her sooo much. F - flames, on the sides of my face - heaving, breath-


You will not believe me, but I swear to God it's true: When my brother and I went to see Harold & Kumar Guantanamo Bay (that might not be the title, but I'm too lazy to look it up right now. I think that's it.), a woman had her little kids with her in the theater. I almost said something to her like "Are you out of your f ucking mind?" but nobody likes a scene. What the hell is wrong with some people?

The Falcon flies


wow, I didn't realize people even still went to movie theatres.


It's fun to do, and I highly recommend it.


I also strongly recommend limiting your MST3king to the home movie rental. Besides, the best movies to practice this "sport" with don't come out at the multiplex. They exist on either the dusty shelves of the local mom and pop video store or at the bargain bin at Wal-Mart.

Give it a try, though, even if you don't think you're funny. It does help you develop a sharper wit.

But yeah, idiots at the movie theater piss me off too.

Hi floor! Make me a samich!


I have to agree.

Whenever I go to a movie, I always make sure I'm there before the previews roll. Then, unless I'm on a date or something, I act like the most obnoxious jackass I can be. However, once the previews start rolling, I shut up and let my fellow patrons enjoy the movie. I don't know if it's the whole reason, but I've noticed that being the bigger, louder jackass helps deter the other jackasses from talking before they even get a good conversation going.


I love drive-ins for a number of reasons, but the one I'll go into here is...if the movie turns out to be cheesy you can ridicule the hell out of it and not disturb the other moviegoers. You can throw popcorn at each other and not disturb anyone (but you'll need to get some quarters for the vacuum cleaner at the car wash). I've had a lot of fun ridiculing really bad movies this way, either they didn't have a critics' preview and I got stuck with a dog, or I'm waiting for the much better second feature.


Sadly, the drive-in to me and my friends is a story, a myth told by the parents who seem to have had some of their fondest memories there.

Personally, I'd love to go to a drive-in that showed nothing but the b-movies that became the fodder for MST3K, but I think it's an experience I'll never have.


But at least my generation had the experience of growing up with the original Nintendo.

Blow on the cartridge, make sure the edge of the game catches the Nintendo's lip, up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-A-B-select-start, and hold reset when you turn it off to keep your game saved.


Hey, I agree- where I live (in Michigan) there is one drive in left in a 30 mile radius of me- I remember seeing "Lassie" and "The Lion King" about 16 years ago with my kids when they were young.

Regarding riffing- another movie I saw in 2000 with two of my kids was called "Dinosaur", think it was a Disney thing- not bad special effects and good plot- we had to put up with two snarky kids around 11 making comments back to the screen all night- we asked their parents to have them stop, and the parents refused, saying their kids didn't bother anyone. Apparently, we weren't anyone.

So, as an MST fan I concur- shut up and watch the movie.


Op: And what is wrong with being Gypsy?
