Question About Music

Alright, I know what the song is, it's the 'Troika' music played throughout the movie, but what's really driving me mad is that I've heard it before and don't know where from. Does anyone know of any other movies featuring this music? I'd appreciate it if someone could help me out.


I know it's from a Christmas song, but I swear I've heard it in a movie before, at the beginning or something.


It's Prokofiev, the Lieutenant Kije Suite.


I think it is also part of Leroy Anderson's song "A Christmas Festival" which I used to play in high school band.


Different times but maybe Wes Andersen's The Royal Tenenbaums..


Thanks to everyone, I already know what song it is and I have it downloaded, I was just having a hard time figuring out what other movie I had heard it in though.

If it was in The Royal Tenenbaums that was probably it.


its used in Home Alone


Also Greg Lake (Emerson, Lake and Palmer cribed it in "I Believe In Father Christmas" which gets a lot of airplay when that time comes around. That is probably why most non-classical people find it familiar.
