MovieChat Forums > Love and Death (1975) Discussion > The keystone in Allen's masterpiece tril...

The keystone in Allen's masterpiece triliogy.

Love and Death, Manhattan and Annie Hall have got to be his three greatest films.

Love and Death is hillarious and has so many subtle jokes but also has a lot of commentary on philosophy and love. I mean, if ever a comedy could be outrageous and intelligent, this is it.

Manhattan is the best depiction of New York City in the history of cinema and very funny and if you had only one Woody Allen film I would say Manhattan because it covers the bases the best. It isn't as personal but in a good way.

Annie Hall is his most personal and really deals with relationships. The characters are the most developed of any of his films and Allen is actually able to achieve a sense of time, a sense that these people found a bond and lost it.

These three movies are three of my favorites of all time. I don't like repeating directors so the Number 2 spot of all time films is reserved for whichever of these films. I usually go with Love and Death.


Interiors is better than all three of those films listed combined.

And this is, like, the ultimate Woody Allen fan speaking.

(Thought I will admit that Love&Death and Radio Days are his funniest)



Crimes and Misdemeanors is my favorite. A perfect blend of his comedies and serious films. This and Hannah and her sisters i feel the culmination of everything he tried in his other films.

And besides Hollywood ending, i love all his films.


I didn't think Manhattan was very good.

You've got to follow your balloon!


Manhattan (and Annie Hall as well, perhaps the abundant hype which surrounds them) has (have) grown on me with repeated viewings (viewings). At first I felt very little sympathy for any of the characters--they seemed to me too full-of-themselves upper-class New York Jewish left-wing homosexual pornographer for me to relate to, but I find the more I see Manhattan and Annie Hall, the more I pick up on the intricacies in character which make them so moving and so funny.


I love Woody Allen. He is a huge inspiration to anyone interested in film, particularly me.

"Interiors" and "Annie Hall" are probably my two favorite films of all time. "Manhattan" is also remarkable. However, "Love and Death" is probably his funniest work.

Let's call it even and say 1974-79 was his period of perfect genius.


I agree on Love and Death and Annie Hall but I will replace Manhattan with Stardust Memories as being his second best, Manhattan was ok. Love and Death is a masterpiece.
