MovieChat Forums > Love and Death (1975) Discussion > BEST ALLEN FILM??????????????? ?????????...

BEST ALLEN FILM??????????????? ???????????????

I am only 12, but I am a huge Allen fan and in my opinion this is his best film.


I'd be interested to know, as a 12 year old, what are your favorite parts of the film?


The final scene of it all about God was atheist but clever.
The desperation between life and sucide
His struggle for the answer of life
His first encounter w/ death.


Remarkably contemplative for your age. What was it about the Wheat scene that you most liked?


I don't know kind of off the wall trademark much like his other films.

"Money,it's a gas."


For consistant laughs this just abouts beats Annie Hall, though Play It Again Sam is also a classic. I can watch his early funny films again and again like some classic Simpson episodes. amd they always make me laugh and cheer me up. Just thinking of his one-liners. Genius



This is my favorite allen film also its 85 minutes in length and it has uproarious hilarity every other minute. If i attempted to list favorite one-liners i'd be exhausted but Keaton awaiting the death of her herring fisherman who died defending her honour is hilarious and the bit about don francisco no im don francisco i can watch to infinity.allen and keaton are priceless .


Definitely Allen's best film; no question. No other film I can think of so effortlessly blends existential musings on the futility of life and the despair of thinking men with slapstick farce and knockabout humor. It's as if there were an Ingmar Bergman film in which the only actors were the Three Stooges, doing their usual shtick. You've heard the saying 'you'll laugh and cry at the same time'? Well, with this film you'll think deeply and laugh uproariously at the same time.


"A joke, Your Nothingness?" Yep, the scene w/ Boris, Don Francisco and his sister is one of my favorite scenes of all time.



I don't think I could choose a favorite...each are hilarious in their own way. Allen could lift my foulest mood- any of his movies demolish all traces of bad feelings.

Ima go home and bite my pillow!


So far I've seen Annie Hall, Mannhatten, Play It Again Sam, Love and Death, and Match Point.

Annie Hall is without doubt the best one so far. While not as riotously funny as Love & Death or Play It Again Sam, it has much more substance. Alvy and Annie's relationship is so honestly portrayed and bespeaks so much about modern relationships. Also all the Freudien refereces are really funny if you know much about Freud (there are theories that Max is not a really character but Alvy's id who only exists in his own mind. Notice that he doesn't speak directly to other characters.)

I think that Mannhatten isn't that great, although fantisticaly shot. It's just not as well observed as Annie hall or as funny as the other films I've seen. Casablanca is one of my all time ten favorite films and I think Allen's homage to it Play It Again Sam is done with a great deal of respect that is rare in such spoofs.

Match Point was a total disaster. Scarlet Johansson isn't a great actress, Johnathan Rhys Meyers is a badly directed block of wood for most of the film and only after the murder happens does the narrative amp up to the fast pace it should have been going at throughout. I have high hopes for Scoop but I feel I might just be better watching sleeper on DVD


Hey absolutely great that a 12 year old is a Woody Allen fan :)

Man I loved this movie! I didn't expect such campiness at all! Just hilarious, that army instructor was my favorite part.

It's not my favorite, I think that's Annie Hall but L&D defintely made me laugh the most & loudest. I still have to see Manhatten and Play it again Sam (most mentioned in the thread) and a lot of others though. Such greatness to look forward to!

There's more to evolution than a little DNA.


I started watching woody Allen movies about that age, I saw "Small Time Crooks". Not his best movie, but at that age it was hilarious. After seeing "Love and Death" when I was 16, it was settled. I was a woody Allen nut!!!!


Yes, "Love and Death" was the one that got me hooked when I was a youngster too.


...there are theories that Max is not a really character but Alvy's id who only exists in his own mind. Notice that he doesn't speak directly to other characters.

Interesting theory, except that 1)Max does speak directly to the girl at Tony's party, the one with the VPL, and 2)when Alvy meets Annie for the first time, he is playing a set of doubles: him and Max's date against Max and Annie. If Max is Alvy's id, that would mean Alvy and the date were playing against Annie alone. Kind of a weird doubles set-up. Also, when Alvy accompanies Max to the TV studio, Max is instructing the board operator when to put the laughs in and how big to make them. And isn't Max the one who bails Alvy out of jail when he hits a couple of other cars?


You're very smart for being 12! Yes this is Woody's best film ever! Guaranteed laughs throughout.



This was my favorite Allen film until I was in college. But what I will suggest, for now and in the future, is that when other people your age roll their eyes or make fun of you for being an Allen fan show them this film, it helped to "get" a lot of my friends into him.



best allen movie definitely.
but did u guys notice any similarities between this and barry Lyndon.
The guy falling in love with his cousin, the duels.
The strange thing is both were released in the same year.
best allen movies
1 love and death
2 take the money and run
3 bananas
Didn’t like annie hall though


For laughs I have to go with Love and Death
For romantic comedy I have to go with Annie Hall
Overall best I would have to go with Manhattan

That is just my opinion, those three are my favorites. Love and Death is the easiest one to get into. I normally introduce people who think they wouldn't like Allen with Love and Death because it is so funny and so easy to enjoy sober, drinking, whatever.


Play it Again Sam was the first Allen film I saw, and I lurve it eternally.
Annie Hall second. This third. Then Manhattan


I've only seen this one and while I enjoyed it, Woody Allen is someone I don't want to watch for two hours. Put his material in Mel Gibson's mouth and I'm sold.


Mine would probably be Manhattan.




The OP is not 12. Click on his username and go read his other posts. It's funny that he fooled all you guys, though :-))

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for pure comedy love and death beats them all, annie hall/manhattan are great as well


Wow, smart guy!

My Mom got me started on Woody Allen and Mel Brooks films when I was five, I think they'd call social services if you did that now.


I love you for this
