MovieChat Forums > Love and Death (1975) Discussion > Use of Jewish/Yiddish words

Use of Jewish/Yiddish words

The scene where he calls the sister a Yiddish word for ugly (I can't spell it) most of mid America wouldn't know the word so that joke is loss on some in the theatre.

Much as the scene in "Blazing Saddles" with Mel as the Indian chief uses all Yiddish


The worst case of using Yiddish words (to me) is in "A Mighty Wind" ... Ed Begley Jr., who is supposed to come from one of the Nordic countries, grew up in New York and uses a ton of Yiddish words and it actually sounds like he knows what every one of them means!

Cats are delicate dainty animals who suffer from a variety of ailments ... except insomnia.


What's wrong with that, exactly?

@Twitzkrieg - Glasgow's FOREMOST authority


Mieskeit. Pronounced 'meese-kite'

"It's like I'm talking to my Aunt Sylvia here!"


that's it, thanks

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