Gregor/Nehamkin: Error?

Minor Spoiler:

In the opening of the film, Boris tells us about "Old Gregor" who is somehow younger than "Young Gregor." This, like most of the film, is a flashback told from when he awaits execution. Later in the flashback before the double for Napoleon is killed he pauses and mentions how life is illogical, or else how could there be something like Old Nehamkin being younger than Young Nehamkin.

But soon after we are introduced to the Gregors we are told of the death of "Old Nehampkin" who is struck by lightening. We see him, and he is not the same person as either of the Gregors.

In the fiction of the film, this the same flashback, so you'd think Boris would be able to get it right.

It can't be explained by saying they are Old and Young "Gregor Nehampkin" since again, we see that Old Nehamkin is a different person from either of the Gregors.


Hmm, I do not recall any mention of old/young Gregor. Only that of old/young Nehamkin.

There is a God and his name is Billy Joel.


I admit, that line has bugged me since I was a child!

I just chalk it up to Allen not wanting to reshoot that scene, for whatever reason.

The joke still works, though, even if he botches the names.

Omnia Mutantur Nihil Interit


It's also possible that both Old Gregor and Old Nehampkin are younger than Young Gregor and Young Nehampkin, respectively. :D


At the beginning of the movie Boris says:

"Of course, there was Old Gregor,
and his son, Young Gregor.
Young Gregor's son
was older than Old Gregor."

Then at the end of the movie, he says:

"If it was logical, how would Old Nehamkin
be younger than Young Nehamkin?"

While it could be a mistake, the earlier reference is to Young Gregor's son (who is not referred to by name) being older than Old Gregor.

Either way, it is funny.

You see, what I think he was thinking was, "Goddam Rodin. Three drinks and I'm nude."


actually the first joke goes like this:

"Of course there was Old Greggor and his son Young Greggor. Oddly enough, Young Greggor's son was older than Old Greggor. Nobody could figure out how that happened."

then later Boris says:

"My problem is that I see both sides of every issue. I'm too logical. You know, the world is not logical. If it was logical, how would Old Nehamkin be younger than Young Nehamkin? I knew there was something crazy about that when I was a kid, but every time I said something, they'd smack me. So, you know..."

I personally think it's a case of Woody doing a long monologue and just getting the names wrong and not bothering to fix it. I noticed it a while back but it never bothered me because I feel like it just fits in with the absurdity of the film.
