MovieChat Forums > Jaws (1975) Discussion > Larry Vaughn quotes

Larry Vaughn quotes

"Love to prove that wouldn't you? Get your name in the National Geographic?"


"My kids were on that beach, too."

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."


"We have killed a shark that 'supposedly injured' some bathers."


"As you know, Amity means friendship."

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."


*large predator

Vaughn wouldn't have said "shark" to a reporter, even if it swam up and bit him in the ass.


"I want those little paint-happy bastards caught and hung up by their Buster Browns!"


"August? Tomorrow's the 4th of July, and we will be open for business. This is going to be one of the best Summer's we've ever had."


"Amity is a summer town. We need summer dollars."


"Look fellas, let's be reasonable, huh? This is not the time or the place to perform some kind of a half-assed autopsy on a fish. And I am not going to stand here and see that thing cut open and see that little Kintner boy spill out all over the dock."

"These days you have to boil someone before you can sleep with them"


"a large predator that supposedly injured some bathers"

Man this guy is great at lying through his teeth.

"supposedly" meaning not officially confirmed
"injured" meaning not killed

Both lies.
Wow, Larry. You are sick. All for money.


"Martin, it's all psychological. You yell barracuda, everybody says, 'Huh? What?' You yell shark, we've got a panic on our hands on the Fourth of July."


Obviously I loved "That is a deliberate, mutulation of a public service message!" best.

*what he says to Hooper after finds the tooth*
" don't have the tooth? Look, we depend on the summer people here for our very lives. And if you close those beaches we're finished!"


"Alright, let's cut this ugly sonofabitch down before it stinks up the whole island."


Murray Hamilton played Vaughn perfectly. Lying politician

Mother is the name for God on the lips & hearts of all children -Eric D. Raven


"Thank you, Mr. Quint, we'll...take it under advisement."
