Popular outside Norway?

Was just wondering how many have seen this film that have no connection to Norway (e.g. Having a norwegian grandfather etc.)

To me this was the de facto standard of good childhood memories... I can still feel the excitement when thinking back to the car race at the end...oooh boy. What a rush :D

I am norwegian btw.


Well, I'm from Denmark and I Know a lot of people who's seen it. Gotta love the theme, Bent Fabricius Bjerre btw...


jeg tror den er meget populær i hele skandinavien :)


Jeg tror også den er populær i hele skandinavia ;)


I'm a dane, and i know this movie, and it's great!


Im from Sweden and i seen it and know a few friends who just loves this movie. And one friend is really young and acctully was the one who told me about this wonderfull film.


I am from Belgium, have no norwegian relatives and I've seen it (and loved it, even have it on video, not on dvd though).
But I have to admit, the movie is hardly known in Belgium.


I am from iceland, and i have no connectio norway what so ever. But my dad bought it here on icelandic language and this movie is my top movie that i have seen


I'm Swedish, and this is (except Fredrikssons Fabrikk) the only Norweigan movie I've seen. I love it. Is it considered best Norweigan movie ever?

I don't wanna waste one of these boulders - they're expensive!


hehe, well, technically you have a lot of connections to Norway - you all came from here;) Cool you've seen it anyways, it's such a fine film.


Well, no suprise about scandinavia, but how about UK. or US?

Member of the Slytherin House


I saw it on TV in the UK as a child and I loved it. I think I saw it twice maybe, both times at christmas.


We are both from English speaking countries, have no connection to Norway in terms of family and we love Flåklypa Grand Prix. We started learning Norwegian after a summer holiday in Norway. Our teacher lent us a couple of films, Flåklypa GP was one of them.

Great film! The attention to detail in general is delightful.

Since seeing it we have bought the Caprino Studios boxed set and I have a feeling that I might have seen a couple of the films in the UK when I was a kid. They seem somehow familiar.

So this Christmas we plan to introduce our family to the wonderful world of Flåklypa.


i'm from the UK and this film was one of my all-time favourite things to watch as i grew up
i dunno why we had a recording of it on vhs - i assume it was on british TV at some point, probably around 1980 because i seem to remember watching it ever since i was 4 or 5
i had no idea it was originally Norwegian and dubbed into English until it occured to me to search for it online today while clearing out old tapes and cds and i found the old vhs. have now ordered the dvd

the english dubbing version is so good though that i'd never realised it was a foreign film. all the dialogue sounds correct, down to grammar and colloquilisations. it's very impressive and a great deal better than a lot of dubbing that happens these days
