Or so the actors/actresses are in this movie. Still terrific and clearheaded agenda in the fog that is and will be known as the hippy generation. Very flamboyant and terrific for those who can understand the humor (without condecendence). You really have to be in the right mood to enjoy a good Waters' film. I have become a good fan of his over the years and his work, or lack there of , has made me laugh with the satisfaction that no other movie has made me laugh before. Thank you John Waters and God Bless!!!


This movie scared me to death.

"Fear and Respect The Escalator"


I agree!!

Younger viewers may have trouble seeing, in light of what's happened since, the subversiveness of the muderer as celebrity.

Ahead of its time. Worth seeing for Aunt Ida alone! And Divine is just that.

"Pretty pretty?"


Your comment on "the subversiveness of the murderer as celebrity" is brilliant. And I think that, even though I myself am a younger viewer (21), we need to see the movie in those terms and apply the lesson to the way "celebrity" is treated.


Criminals as celebrities is actually being spoofed here, much like it was in Serial Mom.
