My New Favorite Movie

I saw Female Trouble for the second time the other night on IFC and I could not stop laughing!!! I'm a black girl and I usually watch "urban" films, but when I saw this I couldn't believe how f**ckin funny this sh*t was! I need more information on films by the same director, oh, and Serial Mom has always been one of my favorites, too. Same director right?

I better get those Cha Cha heels!





Glad you didn't miss the boat, Chloe825! I've shown this movie to several people, and everyone laughs! I love all of John Waters' movies, and he's the only director who has me interested in every feature film they've made. I wish Mondo Trasho and Multiple Maniacs would come out on dvd!



Hey LilMissThunderkiss65!

Thanks for that info (especially on the picture quality!)

