MovieChat Forums > F for Fake (1975) Discussion > Gave Up After 20 Minutes

Gave Up After 20 Minutes

This film was too convoluted and boring to continue watching after 20 minutes. Who or what was real was of little concern to me because the jumbled structure of the film never got me interested enough to care.

The only thing the film inspired and made me thankful for was that flatbeds are no longer used to edit films.


I had that problem the first time I attempted to watch the film. Once you trudge through the first act or so and take things as they come to you it makes more sense. I think the film works better at executing its message as a whole. It's actually really fascinating if you stick with it.

I think there's been a rape up there!


Your loss, man.

Relics of ancient times. Lonely cenotaphs. Standing along that melancholy tideland.


I was ready to quit too. I stuck through. It didn't get much better but I grew less tired of the editing style. It's certainly well crafted, but really doesn't have much to say. It's only interesting in terms of its editing techniques I think, the material is pretty flimsy.


It's ok, the movie will eventully be turned to dust in a thousand years, just like this topic, just like everything else man has made up to this point.


It's a really hard film to stick to. It lost me after about 30 minutes. I liked the end (the last 15 minutes) though, that was when I woke up.

I guess a second viewing is in order.


Watching it for the first time right now and it's a tough one for me. Very convoluted and confusing. I'll keep with it, though, because I've heard the ending is amazing, but that's the only reason. Welles' narrating is great, but I still can't figure out what the hell is truly going on.


I had the same problem but found that it improved immensely as things went on. The movie does repeat certain aspects of the story occasionally so it becomes easier for the viewer to keep all of it straight.

Zardoz (1974) has spoken!
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