1974 or 1975

ok how come imdb says 1975 and when the movie is playing now on hallmark the tv guide channel says its 1974. i dont know. i watched all the movies on disney when i was a kid. so everything was new to me and we lived off of it. but i wasnt around in any of those years. so i cant testify to the right year. does anyone know when this movie was made.


There was a remake made in 1995. It was nothing like the book movie from 1975. In the 95 version, there was an Anna and Danny who did not know about each other until they met at a orphanage/children's home. While there, they formed a friendship and realized that when they got together, especially when touching, their powers were strongest and there was a purple glow.




OK I misresd the question. Simple answer, the listing got it wrong. The movie was released on March 21, 1975. Sure it was filmed in 1974 but they never use the year of filming but rather the year of release when they put a year next to the title.

