This movie is SADISTIC

I watched this movie for about 10 minutes and changed it. I mean..that one guy was going to run over a freaking baby for points(good thing it was a bomb and he died) If you are disturbed by movies like this...i wouldn't reccomend it.


you clearly didn't watch the movie long enough to understand what it was truly trying to prove.




If anyone is stupid enough to watch a movie and then go run someone over for points, then I'm sure they don't need the movie to kill someone anyway.



I have to agree with davepoobond movies do NOT make people do stupid horrid things. Anyone who does such a thing has some serious problems to start with, and would have been set off by something eventually. Instead of blaming the movies, blame the people who noticed that the person had problems before and did nothing about it. In almost all cases there have been signs that others have ignored or rationalized away (Usually parents who can not accept that THEIR KID could Possibly have anything wrong with them).


I agree, too. If this world was just full of people willing to mimic the bad things they see playing video games, listening to music, watching TV and movies, then there'd be non-stop riots in the streets and all hell would generally be breaking loose by now.

I suspect our violence is more a product of our nature since we've been violent creatures throughout our history, long before we had any forms of entertainment to "pound it into our skulls".

When people who commit crimes turn around and say they were influenced by some sort of entertainment medium, they're just scapegoating and trying to evade personal responsibility.




It's not just conservatives, just this month Hillary Clinton proposed (in Congress) that teenagers playing GrandTheftAuto: San Andreas (which their parents had legally purchased for them) was a problem big enough to spend taxpayer money (lots of taxpayer money considering how much these people get payed) and Congress's time to investigate this and possibly legislate to stop it.

I also don't think anyone's forgotten Tipper Gore. I know most people seem to have magically forgotten (almost like they were using double-think) that a younger Ralph Nader accomplished the amazing feat of temporarily killing the convertible (cars), b/c he felt educated adults shouldn't be permitted to buy the kind of car they wanted, even if they were well aware that they would die if they flipped it on its roof (I refer you to the government's stance on smoking or drinking).

BUT TO GET BACK ON TOPIC, I also agree that the guy whos tarted this post didn't understand the point of that scene.





People don't worry about violence when there's sex involved! Remember that one episode of Southpark?


Don't be offended, but I've heard (from among others my American uncle) that this is very typical in the US. Violence in media is ok, but nudity/sex is not tolerated. I don't know if it's any better, but it Norway it's practicaly the other way around! If anyone found the full frontal nudity in f.ex. "A History of Violence" unnecessary/weird/ or even disturbing, watch any Norwegian film from the 70's or 80's. Men and women are walking around in the nude all the time. Profanity is also highly tolerated, but violence is not (when it comes to rating the film). Censorship is a strange institution anyway!


Correct me if I'm wrong... because I am Canadian, but isn't Hillary R. Clinton a Senator... why would she be in Congress?


Congress is the collective name of the legislative branch of the U.S Government. It is made up of the House of Representatives, and the Senate.




The poster didn't say *beep* about it influencing peoples actions. All he said was it was sadistic.


I disagree. If somone is watching that movie and does the same thing then the movie isnt the problem. Belive me. It would be somone who couldnt destinct between reality and fiction and in such case the movie would just be that random thing that triggered it.
Same person might as well watch the news and go nuts over that as well.



(spoilers) The scene is set up so that you know that the baby is actually an antivehicle mine (the dialogue makes it clear as day). I have seen the movie more than a few times and enjoy the social parody a great deal. It's also a fun popcorn movie offering the best of both worlds. You dont have to like the movie, its an relatively free society and your opinion like mine is of equal value. Prime examples of sadistic film is Cannibal holocaust, The last house on the left, Boy meets girl, Salo, or any "uwe boll" film.

HR Giger is god!



It's meant to be parody of the role of violence and the media in society.

Like "The Running Man".


Death comes in the worst way, through Satanic wordplay, heres a knife in yo spine!


This film sadistic? Disturbing? After watching Saw, Devil's Rejects, A Clockwork
Orange, House of 1000 Corpses,Seven, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Dr.Giggles,
House of Wax (remake), Natural Born Killers, all Hannibal Lector movies, and
The Evil Dead this movie is pretty tame (all these plus Deathrace are great
by the way). Violence plays a big part in film, its ok as long as people know
the difference between right and wrong.


It's a movie. Not a real life documentary. Sure it is overkill on the fact that they get points for killing people.

I like the movie.
"The furious strength of the creature was ample enough to protect its terror-stricken cubs."


People who thing games and movies cause violence are disturbed themselves. The reason these studies show and increase in because of the increase in studies. The more interest shown the higher the results. There has been just the same amount of violence in the past just less of it was reported. Murderers were executed without trial. Racism has been around since the beginning of time. You have to be pretty naive and looking for a scapegoat to blame anything but human nature for the problems of society.



It shames me how many of you are so *beep* retarded. it's ONLY a movie !!


Uh, what research?
I know a ton of people (including myself) raised on violent movies, GAMES (yes, complete with interaction, even the Death Race 2000-inspired Carmageddon) music, tv shows, websites, cartoons, whatever you wish to name.

I can speak for myself and all those people I know when I say none of us is violent or terribly aggressive, we have nothing against women, don't steal, have no overt racism (I think it's inevitable that weird little bits and pieces sneak into everyone unfortunately, but there is sure as hell nothing violent), I've dabbled so mildly in drugs it isn't even funny, the same for them, no hazing, no pranks...

In fact I don't know the people who do those things....well, some petty thieves.

Generally they don't play video games though.



Taken from

No single risk factor or set of risk factors is powerful enough to predict with certainty that youths will become violent. Poor performance in school is a risk factor, for example, but by no means will all young people who perform poorly in school become violent. Similarly, many youths are exposed to multiple risks yet avoid becoming involved in violence (Garmezy, 1985; Rutter, 1985; Werner & Smith, 1982, 1992).

Also check out the Bureau of Justice Statistics graph for violent crimes:

"-you see the rates for all of these activities rising across the board. . then yes, we do have a problem."

Not according to these stats, the total violent crime rate is at the lowest it has ever been. Next time, put your money where your mouth is.


movies dont create psycho's, society does that, movies just inspire them. This isn't sadistic, its satire in its purist form. Anyone who takes this film with a grain of salt is infantile.


I enjoyed the movie and thought it pushed some pressing issues on boundrys, back then and even today. But i also believe a movie is ment to get you away from reality, i mean thats what its all about is it not? people say "it was too unrealistic" about alot of movies. Well in my opinion if some movies we very realistic people wouldnt like the tone of this dark , seeded gritty dog eat dog world. So sit back enjoy and phase out of it all for two hours or so!!!!!!!


its called satire


It's a black comedy and awful damn funny. This whole movie was meant as a cheerfully sick satire on America's wholehearted affinity for brutal violence. The sadism was part of the message.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"
