MovieChat Forums > Death Race 2000 (1975) Discussion > 'Original / Uncut' vs. Special Edition D...

'Original / Uncut' vs. Special Edition DVD

Okay, I keep hearing about an Uncut version and reading the Special Edition DVD is uncut. Would someone please give a list of differences? I will try to get someone to tape the TCM Underground version to be shown Friday (the 27th).


This information is on IMDb:


The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.



I can answer this:
Certain scenes of violence were so "over the top" in 1975, that the M.P.A.A.
(U.S.A. film ratings board) told Roger Corman they were gonna give the film an 'X' rating, if he didn't re-edit the film & "tone down the violence", which he did.
HOWEVER, Corman's New World Pictures had 2 versions that went out to theatres -
The official 'R' rated edited "cut", and the unofficial "X" unedited version
(despite the fact that this version had an 'R' tag at the end of the film -
"the head crushing scene" was PARTICULARLY graphic. I got to see this version,
here in Vegas, at the old El Portal theatre back in the late '70s.)
Note: The El Rey network recently showed the offical 'R' rated version,
which was deemed a "TV-PG" there. (SOMEBODY SCREWED UP ON THAT!)

"It's beyond the beyond." - Pete Townshend
