Cochise died??

how did it happen??

"I've got my advance ticket for DreamGirls, GO GET YOURS!!!!"


He got hit in the face.


by what??

"I've got my advance ticket for DreamGirls, GO GET YOURS!!!!"




"I've got my advance ticket for DreamGirls, GO GET YOURS!!!!"



How do you know that?


Damn Joe I do`nt recall the link.It was an L.A.Times article from last April I believe.He had lost his money due to sinking it into a strange book which he hoped to develop into a movie.He also got addicted to crack cocaine.He looked good as he must stay clean/sober to stay at the Salvation Army.He exersised daily,and they allow him special privliges such as use of his laptop which he views as his key to a comebackThey had a nice in-depth interview with him,and the article had several nice pictures of him always smilling.So even though he was down and out.He is alive and well.I found the L.A.Times link through someones post on another board here.Look around at the posting list for "Cooley High" that`s how I came across it.Good Luck,Merry Christmas,and a Happy New Year,Sincerely,-Bruce

"Do not let thorns in your side become nails in your coffin".-Bruce Richard Bundy 10/2006


Thanks Bruce, i hope you had a great Christmas and happy new year to you also. I think Eric Monte has a strong second chance in the future.



So he's down and out, living at the Salvation Army, and yet he is still getting TV interviews and has a laptop? Are these the people who really NEED the Salvation Army?


If you want put Eric Monte`s name in a internet search engine to find out more info.about him.

"Do not let thorns in your side become nails in your coffin".-Bruce Richard Bundy 10/2006




Natural causes. He was living on a reservation at the time.


The character or the actor?
