Anyone know where to get a hold of this film???






Good answer , numbnuts.


I have a VHS copy, watching it now. Released 1984, Vidcrest.


Butm what is the big deal about this film? Am I missing something. I see some elements that were incorperated into Wild, Wild West. I got the movie in a lot of videos that I purchased. What am I supposed to be looking for?


For me it's interesting that Castellari and Nero made this right after their masterpiece "Keoma". IMO it's nothing to look for more than cheezy humour and slapstick, weird music and some of the usual suspects in Spaghetti Westerns. enjoy!


There is a fantastic german bluray out now under the name "Zwiebel Jack räumt auf". In addition to the 92 min cut it also contains the 79 min italien cut of the movie. The HD transfer is top notch.
