MovieChat Forums > A Boy and His Dog (1975) Discussion > Help me understand why you liked this mo...

Help me understand why you liked this movie??

I watched this last night and thought it was awful. I loved that they thought outside of the box for this film, but the acting and the plot were just awful. To those who liked this movie, give me some clues as to why?



I thought the acting was pretty good for what it was, and unlike the other response I enjoyed the low budget quality. As someone with production experience, I thought it was a pretty well made feature that looked like it didn't require too many resources. I watched it last night and I've been thinking about it all day, trying to figure out what it is I liked about this movie.

Its a dark comedy, sometimes more dark than comedy, and its a buddy flick. The dark aspects come from the post apocalyptic setting and the way women are treated throughout the film. The movie doesn't make any attempt to show women in a positive light so it has gotten a lot of criticisms for being sexist, which it certainly deserves. I knew it was misogynistic the entire time I was watching, the main character is a rapist for crying out loud!, and felt bad for what I was putting my girlfriend through as we watched together but I couldn't help but enjoy this movie. The mixed emotions are why I've been thinking about it all day today.

I like that the main character speaks to his dog and we aren't given any reason of why they can communicate. Nowadays, hollywood would tell us that we need a backstory to these characters, an origin story, and likely it would suck. I don't care WHY the dog can talk, the story just needs to make me care that he can. Their relationship together is what makes me care.

There are a lot of things that are like this in the movie. The screamers, the man that he steals the canned food from, the world underground, the admissions worker at the outdoor porn theater that Vic seems to sort of know. We aren't told the relevance of these things, they just exist in the world. It makes the film seem like one small chapter in a bigger story, and I find the bigger story fascinating. I want to know what happens next, I want to see more of the world. I think that's why I liked this movie.


I liked that it dared to have such a genuinely amoral main character. There are ways in which Vic's final choice is beautiful, and ways in which it is terrifying and monstrous. It's not simplistic, though the story itself is lucid and simple.

I also don't really see any problem with the acting. Everyone seemed to act the way I'd expect in a futuristic post-apocalyptic society.


Yeah his final choice was terrifying and monstrous...beautiful though(maybe just because this movie is labeled as satire)?

Okay the movie was pretty good...but those last scenes...were just...I don't know what to say about them. The ending of this movie has put a scar in my mind that hasn't been put into mind through TV or Movie since I watched "Scott Tenorman must die" on South Park.

I am trying to rationalize which one of these two different happenings is more shocking and appalling.

Cartman had intentions on feeding his parents to Scott. The thing though about "Scott Tenorman must Die" though is that Cartman is shown at the end with an evil grin and satanic music in the background..clearly conveying to the audience the despicable nature of this action.

In the Boy and his Dog the main character had a reason for getting food. His beloved dog is going to die if he doesn't give him food soon. He could though have gone back "down under" for food but that would mean almost certain death for him and his dog since I don't think he has many bullet left after shooting the robot a million times. So yes it was either his dog who he depends on to survive and loves deeply or the woman he just met who lured him down into Kansas hell. So his dog gets life through death. Yes, this is satire, and a very dark one sure I know this. But man oh man..There is not a single human being or dog that would joke about someone they just ate unless they were as screwed up as Hannibal Lector. Yes I know it is satire but still. That joke is just freaking dark..the darkest of the dark...darker by far than "Scott Tenorman must Die" or any other joke I can think of. I did not laugh at that joke, instead I just stared the screen and ending credits dumbfounded and shocked. They are joking about cannibalism (well technically not since it is a dog that ate a human), a very last resort to starvation. Now that I have all my thoughts on this matter written out though I realize yes it is a satire and this is a movie not supposed to convey real life and revealing what happened to the girl without showing her carcass would have been tough if shown realistically since in real life the boy and his dog would have probably walked away with dead eyes saying nothing for a long time. So maybe the joke was appropriate for this specific medium but man oh man is it freaking dark as dark can be. Ultra shocking to say the least. Many times more shocking than Scott Tenorman must die...the most shocking episode of South Park I can remember and I have seen all the episodes of South Park. Wow just wow.."Well, I'd certainly say she had marvelous judgment, Albert, if not particularly good taste." wow that is f#####d up man


I guess the ending proved that you can lose a woman, but not a dog that can find you other women to rape?

I found the whole movie disturbing. This isn't to say I didn't like it. It was amusing that the story just jumped in with a dog talking to a guy through his mind without a clue to why.

If you can get over the main guy being a rapist, then the ending isn't all that shocking. So, it is ok to rape women but not eat them?


You're completely missing the point.

The ending proved Vic cares much more about the dog than the woman. Granted, Blood can find him more women, but Vic at that point almost got killed because of the woman and her thirst for power. I think Vic realized she wasn't genuine and was only out for her own self-interests. Blood also warned Vic about her and he didn't listen. It could be when Vic saw Blood in the state of almost dying he finally realized the choice he had to make to keep Blood alive, because Blood.

Remember a dog is man's BEST friend :)


Will you stop going on and on about ONE episode of South Park!!!!!!
What is wrong with you man?


I just watched it
I enjoyed it for what it was

Not just because I love the fallout video games

But it was weird, funny, shocking, original, and entertaining.

Kinda depressing too Cuz all those dudes got "farmed" and the committee will probably continue to "farm" citizens til they die

I want a sequel now. Do they ever get over the hill? This should def have more incantations
Maybe nowadays with a bigger budget we can actually see a screamer

I'm very interested in the World that is "a boy and his dog"


Your question makes me feel guilty that I enjoyed this film when I 1st watched it 40 years ago and once again tonight..but, I have to admit I do..There are not many movies I watched 40 years ago that I can remember as well and especially 1 scene as I do the final ending of this film with the joke at the that has to count for something..I would guess it has to do with my what my picture of the world would be in the event of a nuclear people would live..i think part of it is I have always been a dog person..loved the dogs I have had..and have felt I could understand what they are thinking at times..and, if faced with the choice Don Johnson his world as it existed..with that woman he hooked up with..think I might have done the same thing..Part of it is..I grew to like Don Johnson as he got into acting and always recalled this role of his..and, I have always liked Jason Robards as well..and I was surprised tonight to find L.Q. Jones directed this fil..of the very few shows he directed..this would have been the last movie I would have thought he would have picked..i would think he would have directed a western of some type instead of a futuristic science fiction film..Those are some of my reasons...anyway..


Because it was so well made considering its budget. L.Q. Jones made this movie for $20,000 and it was VERY well used! The gritty scenes of fighting to survive, the makeshift movie theater, and best of all, the strange, creepy, surrealistic recreation of a Stepford society with clownfaced residents and a nice mid-70's vibe with the hair, glasses, and clothing styles.


Most well-spent 20 grand in film history.

One of the most overlooked aspects of this film is that you're watching the genesis of almost all modern post-apocalyptic science fiction. Mad Max wouldn't exist without this film. The Fallout series wouldn't exist without this film. Waterworld. Twelve Monkeys. Book of Eli. The Road. It's a significant genre now.

Prior to this, the post-apocalypse was mostly shown through the kaleidoscope, drug fueled British lens that brought us weirdness like Logan's Run, Planet of the Apes, Omega Man, and Zardoz. Or even sillier alien invasion films like Day of the Triffids or Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
