Something's missing!

Did anyone notice Linus doesn't have his blanket in this one? What's up with that? Linus without his blanket is like Charlie Brown without his zig zag shirt!


I've haven't seen this one in years! Will have to pay attention tonight when it airs at 8:00 on ABC! Thanks... that gives me something to look for!


Sadly, this isn't the Valentine's Day special airing tonight. Instead, it's 2002's "A Charlie Brown Valentine". A very poor substitute, indeed.


What was missing was Sally's recital of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's 'How Do I Love Thee?' on the candy heart.

Since most of this story took place in school, and Linus took his blanket to school about as much as Schroeder carried a piano to class, he didn't have it with him.


How could he carry his blanket and that big box of candy at the same time? Maybe also his obsession with Miss Othmar was a substitute for his dependancy on the blanket.
