MovieChat Forums > Space: 1999 (1975) Discussion > The Taybor & The Rules of Luton

The Taybor & The Rules of Luton

Just catching up with episodes of Series 2 which I watched years ago. I really like Series 1 and there was a lot of good ideas going on there. I think it's pretty underrated, Series 2 starts off ok even without the usual faces and cramped sets, but *beep* me The Taybor & The Rules of Luton where an ordeal to watch. Taybor is a kind of Harry Mudd clone and Luton is a re-hash of "The Dangerous" game again with trashy Halloween type monster costumes and one particular model shot that looked dreadful. I never remember seeing those two first time around and boy have they not aged well.



The original running order here in New England started with:
The Metamorph
The Exiles
Journey To Where
The Taybor
New Adam New Eve
The Mark of Archanon
Brian the Brain
The Rules of Luton

It started off well enough (as soon as I recovered from the outrage I experienced that they'd given Barry Morse the boot), although I wasn't impressed with the claustrophobic sets.
After I watched The Taybor I lost my enthusiasm for the new season. It wasn't until they returned with the second group of episodes (they repeated the first four after Seed of Destruction) that the episodes regained their quality momentum, as I saw it (as far as season two went, anyway).
But I liked the episodes better when it reran, as I was more used to the glaring changes made to the second season.


I agree, the 2nd series episodes picked up again after the flabby mid point.


Oddly, though, they lumped in "One Moment of Humanity" and "All That Glisters" into the second set in our area. They ended it with "The Immunity Syndrome" and showed a couple of months of repeats before coming back with the final two in the spring - which took me by surprise - "Devil's Planet" and "The Dorcons", which I thought were cool episodes at the time (I still like them).


The psycho cerebral music first heard in both Space Warp and The Beta cloud was oddly used in Devil's Planet. Elizia was sinister yes but hardly like the many alien intelligences out to destroy Alpha, all she wanted was to enslave Koenig as her lover. Glad they kept on using it though until the end!
Shut the door, Mary
