For Hillary Supporters...

U mad tho?


No reason to be mad. I really wanted Bernie, voted for Hillary and got stuck with Trump. I am a true American and I will support my president even though I do not like him.


They not mad, they're too busy crying.


They were never happy, never would be.


How could anyone (Hillary supporter or not) be happy with that embarrassing racist as president??


I'm broken-hearted for my country and very wary about our future.

Hillary won, yet Trump is taking office via a technicality. I was one of Bernie's ardent supporters, but I voted for Hillary. I could never in good conscience vote for anyone preaching bigotry and misogyny.


Hillary won, yet Trump is taking office via a technicality.

WOW, did you go to public school? She LOST. Get over it. There was no technicality.


Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. That's a fact that will never change and it's part of the reason why millions and millions of Americans will not accept Trump as their President.


FYI: All the votes haven't been counted. Michigan has not been called, even though Trump is winning and it will be called for him. Trump may actually win the popular vote.

Even still, winning the electoral college is not a "technicality." Killary knew the rules before she ran. She even mocked Bernie for not knowing the rules when complained about the superdelegates during the primary. She conceded. She lost. It's over.


Trump already has hinted he won't live in the White House....he will remain in Trump Tower. The man is a joke. I'm not mad....but it will be an amusing 4 years with a man with a learning disability as President.


Just wait until he visits all 57 states. 


The Constitution is not a technicality.


I know. 0bama set race relations back 50 years with his racist attitude.


Pepe the Frog appears.


Which changes nothing. One of the first things 0bama did was, despite being a lawyer and admitting he didn't have all of the facts of the case, was to take the side of the black man who claimed the white cop done him wrong.

How long did it take for him to speak out against all of the black on black violence in Chitcago after having gone on and on about the relatively few blacks getting shot by white cops?

The DOJ found in favor of Darren Wilson, but 0bama never apologized for stoking the fires in Ferguson.

I want to live in a world where we all judge each other by the content of our character and not the color of our skin. But that means we ALL do that.

Investigate all police shootings equally, prosecute those who didn't follow procedure and incarcerate for a long time those convicted.

But don't act like black-on-black crime doesn't exist. It does, and it is more fatal to blacks than cop-on-black crime.
