substitute Mary?

Does anyone know the story of why there's a substitute Mary (Carol Roberts) instead of Kate Mulgrew?


First of all, the name of the actress who substituted for Kate Mulgrew is Carol Richards. Secondly, when actors/actresses become ill or go on vacation they sometimes have substitutes.


She did a few other series spots and movies during her "Ryan's Hope" days...could also be why she was periodically absent.

Here's to those who wish me well...


Kate had an accident - she fell of a horse, and she was out almost a month. She tried to come back after about two weeks (her name briefly reappeared in the credits, though Kate herself didn't), but it was too soon and she was out another two weeks. When she did return, she was wearing a back brace, which they hid first with turtlenecks, and later by putting Mary to bed with an illness.

Substitute Mary's hair looks about 10 years out of date - it's the same style Marlo Thomas used to wear on "That Girl".


Thank you for the good info, sjbradford. I have seen most of what aired on Ryan's Hope and remembered Ms Mulgrew missing a lot of days later during her run (i don't want to spoil anything, but if you have seen it, you'll know she was out sick or whatever on some really pivotal days for her character), and thought those might have been the faux sick days actors take when they are negotiating salary. But it didn't make sense for her to have been out so early in the show's run. How awful that she got hurt, that must have been so scary. I did wonder if her illness was written in, since it made sense and seemed odd that they had Faith, Reenie AND Mary all in the hospital at once :)
