Is it just me...

Or does Faith have an "unhealthy" attachement to her father? Especially ever since she's been rescued from Kenneth's "love shack"?!!! She cringes at any visitors that come to see her especially the male ones EXCEPT when her father enters the room, everything is peaches and cream.

just wait when her father dies at the hands of Kenneth, she gonna go ballastic and really retrieve into her own little world!


"WAR is OVER-if you want it!!!"...*John Lennon*


That doesn't happen but it would be a more interesting story if it did!

Here's to those who wish me well...


Donna, do you remember, I think it may have been the first episode of RH, where Faith had this "ga-ga" look on her face when she gazed at her Dad? Even Pat Ryan said to Bucky that the only man she had eyes for was her Dad or something to that effect.

I do believe she has a very unhealthy relationship with Ed Coleridge. There is so much going on in the subtext and back story of the character Faith Coleridge that we all could come up with. Faith competes for her father's love, attention and affection with her late mother and her sister Jillian. Faith has sexual fantasies about her Dad. The possibilities are endless. Inappropriate behavior that went on between Faith and her Dad when she was a child.


i was thinking the same thing this morning when i watched the episode where she's yelling for "Daddy" with Pat & Mary in the room.
really puts into perspective what i know of the "future Faith"...alot of questions are revealed.
although i'm not crazy about this actress, once she was kidnapped, i sort of warmed up to her.
anxious to see what happens to Kenneth...played well by the actor (too bad i've not seen him in anything else...plays creepy very well!)


See...I'm thinking the same thing, perhaps Faith was molested by her dad as a child and she told her mother what happened and she didn't beleive her,or better yet, Mrs. Coleridge saw what happened behind closed doors and confronted Ed about it and he denied it (os course, these are just theories I'm throwing out)

I always got the impression there was bad blood between Mr./Mrs Coleridge and she wasn't thrilled that Ed adopted a girl (Jill). In earlier episodes,I always notice when Ed couldn't make time or have dinner with Faith cuz he had other plans, she would get very upset!


"WAR is OVER-if you want it!!!"...*John Lennon*


I just think she is a daddy's girl who always wanted his affection and attention and never got it when she was a kid because Ed was too busy doing whatever he was doing. Look at the way Roger acts. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Me thinks daddy was a bit of a playboy like Roger and had very little time for his family. But Faith needed more attention then the rest. Her character is always a victim. Also I always thought they would say that Jillian was really Ed illegitimate child and that is why they adopted her, but they never did.


Also I always thought they would say that Jillian was really Ed illegitimate child and that is why they adopted her, but they never did.

They did reveal that - in 1982, during the Merit Kara storyline (we didn't quite get there before SoapNet rewound back to the beginning). Maeve was gravely ill and was worried she wouldn't survive. So she revealed to Jill and Faith that they were truly half-sisters, hoping that this news would help them to reconcile (they were estranged at the time over Frank). Ed apparently brought Jill, his biological child, home to raise and Mrs. Coleridge adopted her, but resented her.


Thanks for the 411. I don't think I watched Ryan's Hope then,. The show started to get on my nerves. I think it was because of Johnny Ryan jr. I couldn't bare it anymore. Also earlier I was going to stop watching with the show became the Rae Woodard show. God was I sick of her.


She just said something about buying a slinky (eww i can barely type this! I'm a daughter!!) black dress to wear out with her dad and something like "So what if people stared". Icckkkkk! It was all i could do to keep y dinner in my tummy where it belonged!

So, a big ol' swinging YES from me!
And lol @ "Kenneth's Love Shack"! That's awesome! :) Crazy bird killin' freak! :)
