Delia's Beauty

I do think Delia is a pretty girl. She's petite, blonde and very cute. I do think the way the characters in the show carry on about her beauty is a little unrealistic. She's cute, she's blonde but I just don't see her as this unbelievable, raving beauty!!

How about the way every male character (except her brothers) like Mary? Bob Reid, Jack, Roger, Sam. It's like if she's near any unattached man, they want to date her!!


these wer the days when soaps took a different view of "beauty". more realistic, i think, instead of the "glamor-pusses" on soaps today.
i've always said the soap stars of yesteryear wouldn't be hired today, because the powers that be think viewers want plastic looks and cardboard acting!


Great point. If Dee were among your circles of friends, she would likely be considered the pretty one. But TV beauty is held to a higher standard.


today's tv beauty standard. old school days is when soap faces were there's so many generic faces.


sjbradford; Would have never considered DEILA "the pretty one" of our circle of Friends, PERIOD! She is rather ordinary looking. My S.O. Ms. Xerses (who I will embarrass now) at 58 still looks like a young Barbara Rush! Sorry Dear, I have said it too the entire board and mean it! For the younger of you who do not know what I mean check out WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE or IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE!


SBTea; We do not call her 'THE FERRET' for no reason. She is rather ordinary looking in every way. Interesting now on ONE LIFE TO LIVE not much has changed. Before on R.H. she was 'THE FERRET' now in the 21st Century she is the 'BOOZY FLOOZY'!


She was blond and voluptuous. Look at Karen on One Life To Live. She was considered very attractive. And she would of been considered to heavy for tv today. I see the actress who played her on Law and Order and she looks terrible because she lost a lot of weight. Today the old Delia would not be on soaps because even though she was short she would be too heavy. Today they want grown women to look like teenagers.


I agree about how "beauty standards" have changed. It happens all the time really, look at art - fat (i mean fat, not curvy) women were considered the pinnacle of beauty at one time. Now everyone has botox and impossibly white teeth (look at Delia's, i think she smokes, hers look like smoker teeth) and Jill, who really is beautiful, looks what a 45 year old would look like today. I am 42 in 7 days and was totally weirded out when i found out that the actress who played Nell was 40! No botox for me, i think Nell's hair aged her.

Look at the MEN too! Woo! :) Maeve and Johnny, last mentioned, have been married "almost 30 years", which means Frank can't be older than 29?! C'mon... :)


Well years ago people who were a little plump were considered healthy and well off. Poverty was so bad that if a person had a little weight it meant a the very least they had some money to eat. So it was attractive. Even last century most of the beautiful stars were what people would consider overweight by today standards. Look at Mae West, Marilyn Monroe, Betty Grable, Ava Gardner, Jane Russell These were all curvy women, who frankly looked like real adult women. Something happened in the 60's and I believe it was Twiggy that started all this rail thin is in stuff. On top of the fact a lot of men are threatened by voluptuous women. I also believe a lot of the men involved in Hollywood are gay. Yes even the actors and directors and particularly the designers so they are going to define beauty in the way they like it. Thin with little curves like a man. Most of these models do not even have breast. a few years back they even went as far as to use male models at fashion weeks modeling women clothes. And the sad fact is we as Americans get our cues about who is fat from the people least qualified to make that decision.
God Frank looks like he is one of his parents friends not his son. Alo how old is Mary suppose to be? Because she is no spring chicken even though I believe she is suppose to be in her early 20's. And is Siobhan suppose to be younger. And is Kathleen suppose to be older then Frank? And the super white teeth these folks have on tv today look so artificial and phony.



Kate Mulgrew was born in 1955, April 29th. I've been wondering about the order of the Ryan children myself. I cannot remember if it's Kathleen first, then Frank or Frank first then Kathleen. I know the order after Kathleen and Frank it's Patrick, Mary and Siobhan.

I really hated how Mary and Maeve treated Siobhan. They were such bitches to her. Especially when Mary was being portrayed by Kathleen Tolan-she played Mary with such high righteous indignation, truly the worst actress on the planet. But at times I missed her when they re-cast the part because her acting was such a train wreck and so embarrassing to watch that it was fun to watch her deliver her lines.


So where were they hiding Siobhan at if she was younger then Mary? In the basement? lol They never even talked about her until they were ready to introduce her on the show. She should of been a high School student when the show began. And like you I am not sure if Kathleen was the oldest or the second oldest. She looked like one of her parents friends too.
I never liked the way any of them treated Siobhan... So maybe she was in the basement. Is it a wonder she fell in love with a gangster. lol Didn't Robert Goulet's daughter play Mary too. What Mary was she? I get them mixed up. I think I liked her more then the original. Who looked older then 20 when the show started.


Nicolette Goulet played the last of the Mary's. I actually liked the one actress-someone give me a name-who talked with an Irish brogue. I thought she was quite a sexy little vixen and was one of the best replacements for Kate Mulgrew.

I know the family finally said that Siobhan was in Seattle teaching, but I cant' remember if they say during the current run where she is.

The Mary who had the Irish brogue was Mary Carney, I just remembered. I would love to have a montage of footage of all the Mary's.

You know, Kate Mulgrew always seemed older to me too. There was something about her, perhaps it was the "presence" she portrayed on camera. I always found it hard to believe she is only 7 yrs. older than me. AHHHH, youth is wasted on the young.


Well I know a few people in the business and it is not uncommon for women to lose 5 years off their age. But not only did she look older she played older roles like Mrs Columbo, remember that? I think they thought she was going to be the next Kate Hepburn, she even wore her hair like her but it did not work out that way. But she did good for herself.
Yes I remember Mary Carny . Funny I always wondered why she talked like she was born and raised in Ireland. I guess they didn't care who they got. But I like her.
I remember when Siobhan's name started coming up later I do believe she was a teacher. Where? If she was younger then Mary she must of taught at the Little House on the Prairie school where one can teach at 15. BTW did Mary ever go to college?



Yes, Kate Mulgrew reminds me so much of Katherine Hepburn. Her hairstyle in RH, her acting with that inflection was so like Hepburn.

Siobhan taught at a school in Seattle. I don't believe Mary did attend college. You would think that the great Johnnie Ryan would have wanted all of his children to do better than him and at least graduate from a 2 year college.


LOL I swear on this mornings episode, while she was talking to Saint Frank of Riverdale who was trying to give relationship advice that she needed to move out the house, even if Jack was not around, she claimed she was a college graduate and had a great job. Tell me what is her job? Other then running behind Saint Frank of Riverdale doing clean up. It is funny none of the Ryan's claim they went to Notre Dame. But in NY they probably went to Fordham or Saint Johns. Now Saint Frank of Riverdale is a cop and at that time you did not have to go to college. So I wonder if he went to school too. And how did he become a lawyer? From Soap Opera University.
