MovieChat Forums > Barney Miller (1974) Discussion > The most memorable episode, most memorab...

The most memorable episode, most memorable quote

It had to be for me "Atomic Bomb", when a guy for a science project makes an atomic bomb and nobody recognized it until Sgt. Dietrich casually asks where they got that atom bomb.

The most memorable quote would be when Sgt. Nick Yemana (Jack Soo) says that to him "All you white guys look the same to me".

I saw the show as a kid and these two stuck in my mind forever.


My favorite line also comes from Nick. The squad room is discussing what a pain Scanlon (sp?) is, and Nick says "He doesn't like Orientals (May have said Asian, I can't recall) on the force. He says we screw up the St. Patrick's Day Parade."


My favorite line also comes from Nick. The squad room is discussing what a pain Scanlon (sp?) is, and Nick says "He doesn't like Orientals (May have said Asian, I can't recall) on the force. He says we screw up the St. Patrick's Day Parade."

He did say Oriental; I was surprised, but times changed.



'The Werewolf' - the werewolf guy claims he can read minds. Barney is exasperated after a particularly excruciating awkward talk with Luger, who's complaining & bending Barney's ear endlessly. As the werewolf starts to metamorph, he says there's a lot of anger in the room. He loox strait at Barney, then yells 'Luger...fix your own damn problems!'. I was 13 or so when that aired and was ROTFLMAO for the rest of the show.


Wojo: "I watched your show every Sunday for 5 years."
Mr. Science: "Why'd you stop?"
Wojo: "Uh, well I had to...I joined the Marines."
Mr. Science: "Now that's a KID!"


my favorite is the episode that the 12th all get high on pot brownies nicks mushie mushie mushie and wojo asking barney to be devine hilarious. Also the werewolf one and nick gets nervous yelling BARNEY!!


Yemana's date with a Japanese hooker


It has been too many years since I have watched this program (I need to do something about that)-can't remeber the quotes either, but the most memorable ones for me were:

-The one with the hash brownies-probably all time favorite!
-Epi where Wojo busts some guy for stealing money from the offering box at church, then the guy turns around and interogates Wojo about his religion, what church and mass he attends etc.
-Epi where Harris makes fun of Barney's bolo tie.
-Werewolf episode
-The one where Fish considers cheating on Bernice
-The running jokes about the coffee were always funny

"Twilight follows the brightest day, And every cat in the twilight’s gray,
Every possible cat."


yes that one, Japanese hooker, and the one with the marijuana brownies.


My favorite episode(s) were when Harris wrote the porn movie to use in some kind of sting operation. It took him forever because he wanted it to be worthy of his talents. Once it was made, they all screened it, and the blind guy kept yelling "Down in front!" Later Luger congratulated Harris on what a good job he did--"I gotta hand it to you, Harris. You've got some stuff in there that would gag a maggot."


The were wolf Wojo as a "rape victim" the sewer and the building blowing up has new respect from me


Yesterday I viewed an episode which I have seen several times before. It still remains one of my all time favourite episodes of any series.
The episode is called 'copycat'


In one episode, Dietrich asks Yemana if he ever longs to return to his homeland (i.e., Japan) - the terraced hillsides, the cherry blossoms, the land of his ancestors. Yemana replies, "I was born in Omaha." Dietrich responds, totally deadpan, "We got a place in Nebraska that sounds just like that."

Another funny exchange between Dietrich and Yemana:


Quarantine Part 2 - Harris talking in his sleep.



"First time I've felt this good in years, and it hadda be illegal." Hilarious.



That's a great episode. Any of the ones where Fish gets angry are a keeper, Vigoda stood out in those scenes.
