Tracking episode scores

Some TV shows have a link on their message boards where you can track all the episodes you've seen of a particular show, and how you've rated them. Barney Miller, for whatever reason has been excluded from this option.

What do you think it will take to get that link made available on this page?

Damion Crowley
Who knows but that, on the lower frequencies, I speak for you.--R.E.


No one familiar enough with IMDB operations to figure out how to get episode tracking on the Barney Miller (1974) message boards? Night Court (1984) has it, as do several other TV shows of varying popularity. I'm sure there's a suggestion box of some sort, but I'm not sure how to channel it.

It's a cool mechanic for a TV show you're tracking, and makes it easier to see all the episodes you've seen. Any feedback, anyone?

Damion Crowley
Who knows but that, on the lower frequencies, I speak for you.--R.E.
