Marja Timofejewna

Aliocha's mother looks like Marja Timofejewna Lebjadkina according to a character (a woman, I can't remember her name in the film). I looked on google and this is what I found.

Marja Timofejewna Lebjadkina is character from "The Possessed" by Dostoysvky (I love that writer !). But I haven't read that book. Has anyone read it ? Does she look like Alicha's mother ?

- Who is God ?
- When you close your eyes and make a wish, God is the one who doesn't care about.


the book is also translated as "Devils".

In the book Marya Timoejewna (or however it is spelled) is a crippled who seems at times to be slightly crazy... as far as the comparison between her and Masha from The Mirror -

Physically: In the novel the character is portrayed as having a disheveled appearance.. in the scene where the comparison is made, Masha may look like the character in the Novel.

As far as the possible deeper meaning for the referance: Marya Timoejewna (again using the spelling you gave, because I cannot recall at all how to spell it) is a character that gives one pitty. She is a doomed character for whom there is no chance to escape her unfortunate fate... She is used by both her brother, and later by her lover (Stavrogin)... She has a good sensible heart but is non the less condemned by the fact that she is crippled. This may apply to the character of Masha in some way, but in all honesty I just finished watching The Mirror, and I was so tired that I slept in a few parts, so I definitely feel like I need to watch it again to completely grasp it.

If you like Dostoevsky I strongly recommend you read "Devils" aka "The Possessed", and also "The Idiot". These two books are not read as much as "Crime and Punishment" or "The Brothers Karamzov" but they are as good if not better.


Thanks for your information and recommandations. I have already read The Brothers Karamazov and The Idiot and I thought they were wonderful. I'm going to read Crime and Punishment.

- Who is God ?
- When you close your eyes and make a wish, God is the one who doesn't care about.


Actually the correct translation is Demons.


I didn't knew that. Good to know.

- Who is God ?
- When you close your eyes and make a wish, God is the one who doesn't care about.
