South Town and Vixen

Why did they make it seem like the people in South Town couldn't tell Vixen was a reindeer? I'm from the south and people I grew up with used to hunt deer all the time. And a lot of us have had deer run into our cars in the rural south. Southerners know all about deer.



Did you see the special? She had SOCKS covering her ears, and the dogcatcher and Iggy and his family only saw she was a reindeer once Santa flew off on Dasher and took the socks off of Vixen.


This TV special appears to be set before the automobile on streets was common as I don't recall seeing any automobiles. It's just a guess it was set in the last half of the 19th century. There was no TV. National Geographic magazine didn't have any photos in it yet. Public libraries weren't not common in towns in the USA. And we don't know what the level of education of an average citizen in the South was as the time it is set in is vague. There is a good chance the citizens of the South at the time this was set in could live an entire lifetime and never see a reindeer. Or even a photo of a reindeer.


I don't know what you guys are talking about. There are lots of deer in the south and southerners hunt and eat them. You didn't need a National Geographic to know what a deer looked like, lol! I live in Georgia and when I was living in a small town there were so many deer that our car hit one and narrowly missed another. As for the guy who said the deer's antlers were covered in the show, I know that. But even if the antlers are covered anyone can tell the difference between a deer and a dog. Seriously guys....


Your car hit a deer in last half of the 19th century?


"and people used to hunt deer all the time" ... Perhaps THAT'S why they disguised her. They didn't want her to get shot!


Deer have been much more common in recent years. In Rascal, rural northern boy Sterling North wrote of seeing his first deer at age 11. I also remember being very excited about possibly seeing a live deer at that age and don't remember how old I was when I first saw one. With current laws regarding stray dogs, deer and wild turkeys are all over the place, when prior to the 1990s they were rarely seen, at least in town. Admittedly people all over the place would have seen shot or stuffed deer. Perhaps the reindeer looked markedly different.
