MovieChat Forums > A Woman Under the Influence (1974) Discussion > Criterion DVD menu music question

Criterion DVD menu music question

I have the Five Films Criterion Collection DVDs and was Watching A Woman Under the Influence DVD and I want to know what the song is at the main menu on the disc. It is a slow jazzy piano piece. Any ideas?


i don't know this for sure, but I do know Bo Harwood did the score for this film, and some of what he did score for the film (whether it made it into the final cut or not I'm not sure) was piano music, Cassavetes had Harwood learn to play the piano soley for the scoring of this film, so he's the most likely creator of the music seeing as Cassavetes would have had a very limited budget for someone who wouldn't score the film for cheap. unfortunately I have no idea wwhat thepiece is called, but I'm confident it was done by Harwood (check the credits and snd track listings).


I loved the kazoo number at the end of the film and have wondered if Cassavettes himself wasn't playing kazoo on it. There is a pic of Cassavettes in Ray Carney's book that shows John, Bo Harwood and crew standing around a piano. All are laughing and smiling. There's a reel to reel tape recorder on the piano. It looks like JC could be holding a kazoo in that pic. Then again, given that it was the 70's, it could've been a joint. Who knows?


i want to know too! did you ever find out?
