Asheville Film Festival

My maiden name is Helen Harmon and I played the role of Ima Dean Luther in
"Where the Lilies Bloom". This movie is being featured this year at the Asheville Film Festival ( Rance Howard who played my father, Roy Luther, will be receiving a lifetime achievement award at the festival. I didn't think anyone remembered this movie and I am thrilled that it is getting a bit of recognition. For me,it is just a fond childhood memory. It will be exciting to be reunited with members of the cast.
(I loved the story about Mr. Turkey in the first post. I'm
glad he got cast as a "featured extra")
I highly recommend the book "Where the Lilies Bloom" by Vera and Bill Cleaver
to readers age 10 and up. It's a wonderful story and I am so happy that I got
to be involved in the film version.


Hello Helen. My name is Marcela Vanecek and I just want you to know that I loved this movie very much. I thought all of you did an excellent job and this is one of my favorite movies of all time. Thanks for the great film!



Ima Dean! You were so adorable in the movie - you & your little braids.
"He's Just Fine"!! And that rooster you loved so much! Priceless.
How wonderful you have posted here.
Thank you so much for your part in one of the best films ever made.

A girlfriend took a group of us to see the movie when it came out to celebrate her birthday and I've never forgotten it. I bought the book and finally was able to track down a video copy which I watch at least once a year. I just watched it again on Sunday and it is good now at 39 as it was when I was 9. It is a touching, thoughtful, intelligent film - well acted, beautifully filmed.

One of the most poignant scenes in the movie is so subtle & underplayed (and I mean that in a *good* way). You & Romey are visiting the family that owns the mill, waiting for Mary are being cradled in the arms of Mill owner's wife. My eyes start to well-up just summarizing the scene. If this movie were made now they would make you over-act while some big dreadful musical score played. Instead you are left alone to be the little girl you are.....and we the viewer are touchingly reminded you are too young to go without the affection that only a mother or father can give.



You were great in the movie! I love it. You were so natural, so much better than forced puppet-like acting such as the Olsen twins or numerous other child actors. Good Job. I wish I could see a recent picture of you, I am curious!


I am so glad I happened upon this web site.. I was telling a lady about this movie on Sunday and was just looking to see if I could find her something about it on line... we saw this movie many years ago at the drive in as a second movie to what we went to see and enjoyed it much better.. dont even recall what the other movie was !... i do have a copy of it i bought on line and cherish it. I talk about this movie all the time and the lines .. how is roy luther and he's just everyone in this movie did an excellent job and it should be seen by everyone that loves awesome movies.. was good to read where all are now.. knew harry dean stanton and jan smithers went on to other roles and glad to hear about the rest of the cast...thank you for posting ima dean.. this web site will gon on my favorite list...........thanks again... janet from gallatin tennessee


I am a Chinese living in Taiwan. I saw this movie when I was in high school.our school teacher showed it to us.
I remember everyone in the class cried. This movie is just so touching.
I managed to purchase a VHS copy of this movie while I visited the US 15 years ago.Still treasure it and see it from time to time.
A very strange thing happened after I watched "Brokeback mountain". I cried my eyes out not because the star crossed love between Jack & Ennis but because the mountain scene and the music reminds of "Where the Lilies Bloom"!
You were adorable, Ima Dean.


You all played your parts perfectly.
Being from rural Arkansas, and having dug a lot of roots myself, it brought back a lot of memories.
I'm hard to please when it comes to movies. This one pleased me very much.

Flowers is purdy....I've always thought that


Hi, my name is Betty Coffey-Davis and the house that the Luther's lived in was the home my mother and her siblings grew up in. I took my mom to see the movie and I think she cried most of the time. The lights in the windows, the stove - - brought back all child hood memories. There was a particular bush on the property called Sweet Caroline (bubbie bush) and it had this beautiful burgundy bloom that smelled heavenly. The house was rented from my grandfather who passed shortly after the movie was made.




"Lilies in Bloom" is currently playing on TV while I am typing this message. I am thrilled to see the posts from people who had connections to this fim especially the Ms. Harmon (Ima Dean) and lady whose mother lived in the Luther's house
I love, love, love this movie so much! I first saw this movie as a teenager and have seen it more than a dozen times since then. Even though I grew is Southeast Asia, I identified with the family so much.

I find that viewing it as an adult gives me a different perspective on the film. When I saw it as a teenager, I was heartbroken that the very young Devola had to marry a much older man. Viewing it as an adult I can understand why everything happened the way it did. The only thing that did not change is my perception of the loyalty and love between the siblingsand I still want to be as strong as Mary Call when "I grow up" :D

I have seen this film more than a dozen times and I did not realize that Roy Luther was Rance Howard until I checked the cast list in imdb today.
