MovieChat Forums > Truck Turner (1975) Discussion > I don't care what anybody says

I don't care what anybody says

This is THE best damn blaxploitation picture ever made! No only has it got GREAT action scenes, a GREAT soundtrack by THE Isaac Hayes that rivals Hayes' own _Shaft_ soundtrack, and Hayes' own performance in it-- but where else could you ever hear lines like, "Damn, you a unclean [malefactor], you smell like p1$$!" and "They stuck penicillin in my @$$!"

It always puts a smile on my face.


And I stood where I did be; for there was no more use to run; And again I lookt with my hope gone.


I agree with you it is the best movie ever lol Especially Dorinda charatcer. I hope you do run into Gator so he could cut your got-da*m throat lol lol
Where is Buckey and what has he had-Dolemite


Between Truck Tuner and "Across 110th Street (1972)" it's tuff. Either way they are both great. And have awesome soundtracks.


The thing is, as an action movie, it just rocks and kicks @$$ on every conceivable or imaginable level. (*Except* politically. I will concede it is not as deeply political as, say, _Super Fly_, or _Shaft._)


And I stood where I did be; for there was no more use to run; And again I lookt with my hope gone.
