Lesbian scene

When Christina has the female customer who is slapping her around etc.- what's wrong with the other woman's breasts? They look like sagging flaps of skin with all the fat sucked out of them!

In memory of Sam Peckinpah


There was a rumour that the woman in the scene was a transexual, which would explain her mannish appearance.


That's a b.s. rumor. That actress was not a transexual. She had a bona fide p - ssy. Her breasts were natural, non-siliconed breasts of the time the film was shot.


Actually a man wanting to become a woman back then would not get breast implants. They would have taken female hormone shots, which would cause them to grow small breasts. Also, how can you state that she had a "bonafide p-ssy?" What is the difference between a surgically manufactured vagina and a natural one? If you are using the hardcore shots as a reference, remember that the close up shots of the vagina would have been that of a body double anyway, and not that actress. And there were silicone implants in the 70's anyway. Edie sedgwick had them in 1971, and they were obvious fakes. i'm not saying this actress was transexual, i as just saying that it is a rumour, and one not so far-fetched. I actually like the actress in that role and it makes no difference to me anyway..

