This is the version to get!!!

This is the version that has the violence and the sex scenes. The limited edition:

The version with the yellow cover has the violence and sex scenes removed. Think "yellow is mellow." You do not want that version.


"...This is Deputy Van Halen down at the station."


Yea its out of print though. if you want to pay $30 ya know? or, try my store! I think you'll find the films that I have to your LIKING!



I own both the Yellow and Red editions of this film. The yellow edition still has all of the violence and action sequences intact, the only thing that was cut out was the X-rated sex scenes.


The eye-gouging is also cut from the Yellow edition; i know as this is the one i have. I'm glad that they removed the hardcore foortage; this is why i got this version. But I am a bit curious about the eye cutting scene, even though i heard it was pretty nasty.


The hardcore scenes look like they were done by stand ins and rather clumsily inserted. You really aren't missing much with those scenes removed. On the other hand the Eye piercing scene while lasting only a few seconds is still rather unsettling even more so since (supposedly) they used a real cadaver for it.


I do wish that they had left that eye piercing scene in the non-hardcore version; i'm not much of a gore freak but it does sound intense. But in a way it would leave the film unbalanced; because at the film's end, the camera cuts away instead of showing what happens to the pimp, so it would be strange for the film to be subtle in one scene and then super-graphic and tasteless in the next. also I don't really need to see a real corpse be mutilated (Christina Lindberg verified that rumour in a recent interview) but maybe somebody will post it on youtube and i can finally satisfy my curiousity about that scene.


My thinking is - are you really going to suffer because you watch the inserted hardcore scenes? Are you going to contract some sort of physical or psychological illness because you see a penis penetrate a female's anus, pull out, and ejaculate? I think not, and that's all it is. So if it offends you, you can always fast forward each successive viewing. Better to have the full version and edit out what you don't like than to have someone else make that decision for you.


no, i wouldn't suffer from seeing that, but the film would suffer i think. I just think this stuff would ruin what i think is a beautiful and artistic film. When I'm looking at something beautiful and artistic, seeing flashes of ugliness kind of ruin the experience for me. Also i like to show my favorite films to friends, and i want them to see a good film that doesnt shock them. And these scenes really do ruin the whole thing for alot of people. I guess it's just personal taste, I like this version and it was a good idea to release both versions so people can choose for themselves which one they would like to have. I do miss all those extras included on the red edition that are missing from the yellow edition however.
