MovieChat Forums > That's Entertainment! (1974) Discussion > Early scene with Durante at the piano

Early scene with Durante at the piano

Was the person he was talking to (while doing a bit about "Singing in the Rain") Oliver Hardy?


No, it was Sidney Toler, who would later play Charlie Chan for 20th Century Fox.


Wow, thanks for your reply. I didn't think anyone would ever see it. I was a fan of the old Charlie Chan movies (how un-PC by todays standards). I would have never guessed it was him. Did you think he looked like Durante like I did?


No, but he did have a sort of Asian appearance than worked well in the Chan movies.


If you're referring to the guy who says "Yeah, I remember it already" you are wrong, it was Bud Jamison, who was seen often with The Three Stooges, usually playing a cop, boss or some other authority figure.



That was Ted Healy, the person responsible for the Three Stooges.


It was Sidney Toler.


Thank you!


I'm always surprised when people just start throwing names out (or even arguing!) instead of looking it up on imdb. The clip was from "Speak Easily" (1932) and the Stage Director was indeed played by (the envelope please) Sidney Toler.
