Intro to Judy Garland

As a 14 year old gay boy 1974, this film was very impactful and turned me into a life long Judy Garland super fan. When I saw Get Happy in the theaters I got goosebumps. That was only the first of many times when I saw or heard Judy perform when that happened.

Judy had died only 5 years before and Liza's mention of her mother's rocks and bumps along her road to success was the only mention of Judy's struggles which culminated in her sad fatal overdose in a small London cottage.

I think many Judy fans too young to know about her difficulties become enamored of her tremendous gifts and memorable screen performances. Tracking down all of Judy's tv, recordings, movies has been great fun and what is truly astonishing is that in almost all of them there is something fresh and different. Judy never phoned it in. There are recordings that don't show her at her best but only a one or two don't have anything worth a revisit.
