Eleanor Powell...

was INCREDIBLE!!! That clip from Rosalie is a killer. IMO, easily a better dancer than even Ginger Rogers and Ann Miller, both of whom were formidable in their own right, of course. Thoughts?

Helga, I'm not mad at you; I'm mad at the dirt.


I agree with you.
Ginger Rogers and Ann Miller are great, as well as other dancers of the time, but for me, Eleanor Powell has no peer.
The number from ROSALIE is my favorite, but watch her in BORN TO DANCE. She doesn't just dance with her legs and feet, she uses her whole body (the way she bends over backwards, so gracefully...who else can do that?).
And her smile. There is just a warmth and love to her that is all her own.
Again, nothing to take away from the others, but Eleanor was just the best.


Thanks for your response! I'll have to take in Born to Dance at some point. She really did radiate a genuine, unique fire.

Helga, I'm not mad at you; I'm mad at the dirt.


I wish this site had a up and down voting scale system so I could agree with you much more easily.


Far more unforgiveable is the fact that Ms Powell was still very much alive when this compilation was produced; so just why was she not invited to participate?


Good one. I would assume that, barring ill health or other commitments, she would have been asked. Very thought-provoking.

Helga, I'm not mad at you; I'm mad at the dirt.


Eleanor Powell wasn't merely the best Astaire partner, she was the best dancer hands down.
Sure Fred and Gene are great but Eleanor was on a different level. She didn't need to mug or come up with cute bits. She could just dance, dance, dance make your mouth drop open in amazement.


Amen. No gimmicks, just a master at her craft.

Helga, I'm not mad at you; I'm mad at the dirt.
