MovieChat Forums > The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) Discussion > Is that stuff barbecuing what I think it...

Is that stuff barbecuing what I think it is?!

What was the stuff barbecuing at the gas station?! Because if it's what I think it is you couldn't exactly serve it to a customer! Know what I mean?


Human meat ground into sausage is what I think it's supposed to be. I remember as a kid watching this and saw the sausage hanging from Franklin's mouth, I thought it was some kind of turd looking cigar.


I'm watching this for the umpteenth time right now. To me, it always looked like a...rhymes with wenis roasting. Almost enough to make me consider becoming a vegetarian.


I've watched that scene so many times and every time I just don't get it. Was that supposed to be human body parts cooking? The camera pushes in on her face like she's seeing something horrible but it all looks like normal meat to me. You'd think we'd see a hand or a foot cooking but nope, never understood the significance of that scene.


The reason it doesn't look like human body parts is probably because they just wanted to 'hint' at what was in the BBQ. Again, they're using the power of suggestion.
The radio broadcast reporting the bodies being stolen, combined with Sally seeing the barbecue, is very skilfully put together. The camera closing in on Sallys' face as she stares at the BBQ is done to suggest her (and our) realisation at what might just be going on, and that's horrifying enough! Its not really necessary to show it in detail.


No hands or feet; however, the meat could certainly resemble human offal, like liver, kidneys, etc.. There's a large piece that might be a limbless human torso. If these guys eat headcheese...


The disgusting thing hanging friom Franklin's mouth looks like a penis! That's what we are supposed to derive from the scene I think.


So that is where the cannibal rumors come from. I know it's explored later on. But it was there from the beginning.


In what sense was it a rumour?

There's a scene in the end of the film where they tie Sally up and talk about killing her to eat.


True. They were clearly a cannibalistic family!!!
