Love this flick

For me, the best thing about this movie was the character actors. There are just so many great little parts in it - from the old couple who have their car stolen, to the 2 Texan marksmen, to the knuckleheads who shoot up the car lot in their attmpt to bag the outlaws. Whoever did the casting deserved an Oscar.
I also like that Goldie Hawn plays such an unsympathetic character. It's really hard to like her and yet it works. Wonderful gem of a movie.


I agree with everything you say about this movie, especially in regards to casting...I think this is an area where Spielberg has always put a lot of thought and detail and always seems to strive for authenticity. From the leads down to the extras, if you look at most Spielberg films, the actors look like real people and I always got the feeling that Spielberg likes to use real people for smaller roles. For example, you mentioned the elderly couple who get their car stolen...I've always felt they were not professional actors. I always thought they were some old couple Spielberg encountered somewhere and asked them to be in the movie.
