MovieChat Forums > The Return of the Pink Panther (1975) Discussion > Anyone think The Pink Panther movies are...

Anyone think The Pink Panther movies are great!!!

Tell me do you think the movies are great!!!



They're all pretty funny with some very quotable "trademark" lines like:
"That was a priceless Steinway!" ... "Not anymore."

My favorite of the series was the Pink Panther Strikes Back, where Chief Inspector Dreyfuss gets out of the mental hospital, goes nuts again, and holds the entire world hostage until someone kills Clouseau!!

Too funny!


I love the pink panther movies, not as big a fan of the new one. But then again it is realy hard to have to live up to peter sellers.


You're talking about the Sellers ones, right?

Is the sky made of... um, sky?

Yes, I love these movies! "He is Sir Charles Phantom, the notorious Pink Litton who stole...."

"Don't let a suitcase filled with cheese be your big fork and spoon." -"Everybody Loves Raymond"


I love them all even the Steve Martin one.


I love the Peter Sellers' Pink Panther movies too. I use so many of his quotes in everyday life.

"Zat is not my dog."
"Do you have a zimmer?"
"The exploding kind."
"Beware of Japanese watress bearing fortune cookies."

Why ain't you at the garden party you heathen?


I like the very first one. I've tried to watch several of the sequels, and I couldn't get through any of them. This one had WAY too many pratfalls.

Jim Hutton: talented gorgeous hot hunk; adorable as ElleryQueen; SEXIEST ACTOR EVER


Oui! And I luv Clouseau's accent as well. Such a fenny minkey!
