Not really a true story

All these decades I believed what the movie claimed, that it was based on a true story or true events. I later learned that it was deliberately all fabricated, and the sensationalist, "Based on a true story", was in fact, part of the hype and story. I suppose it's okay for a fictional storyline to carry a fictional headline, '...based on true events or based on a true story'. Mind you, it's no crime for this movie to claim it was based on a true story as part of its fictional storyline. In a way, I am glad that it was actually fiction and that there was NO actual murder of a sheriff's innocent wife nor an actual killing of two out of three young adults by a dead sheriff's supposed deranged young son.


Wait ... so there was no killing of the sheriff's wife and no retribution against the wrong guys? I feel cheated and relieved at the same time. It's still a good film, though, but it works just fine without the "based on a true story" fib.



Every time I see the opening credits of a movie and it has the blurb "Based on a true story" it always makes me question whether it really is.


I've been wanting to see this for years, really since it came out (I was too young then). I can almost guarantee even if it has "Based on a true story" at the beginning it will have the "Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental" disclaimer in small print at the end.
