VHS Box Cover Art

Okay, I remember renting this "film" back in the early 90s when I was going to school at Central Michigan. The VHS box cover was what grabbed my attention - it featured a young couple holding pairs of ROSSIGNOL (very visible) skis in the woods, with what appeared to be a differently-colored model of the Enterprise D.

I'm wondering...why were the Rossignol skis featured so prominently on the cover? Did they give money to Rebane or something? I can't imagine that. Anyone have any insight?


The picture on that box had nothing to do with the film. Those actors were not in it, those skis were not in it, and the enterprise wasn't in it. The old cover from the 80's under the title "They" had an awesome looking alien's face on it, but that wasn't in the movie either.


I remember that cover. It had the green alien with bigass fangs staring and snarling at you. Me and a buddy rented that one back in the 90's and thought it was going to be cool since it had the awesome alien on the front. I think it was on the Regal label who was notorious for bad movie releases.


Yeah I picked this movie up at a rental store in Fairbanks, Alaska back in 2000 or 2001. We were intentionally trying to rent bad movies, I had just got into Manos: The Hands of Fate and so I was really interested in seeing more of the bad.

Had no idea I was going to pick up another movie by the director of Monster A Go Go.
