
I bought this dvd just to see Michael Learned and Will Geer working together off the Walton's series. The print itself is muddy and the sound is not great. Even if it were a pristine print, it is a bad film. They used a bunch of actual weather "file footage" for the storm scenes, and weren't even careful to keep them "current"...once scene shows a storm scene containing cars from the 1940's. The opening sequence of the boat beaten about by high waves is the SAME brief footage used on the opening credits of the original Gilligan's Island! Just a quickie film with a very low budget...and it really shows.



All you have mention does not make this a bad or poorly put together film. The stories of those who had to endure this horrible hurricane were compelling, some tragic and some triumphant. You really needed to get into the characters and feel what they were feeling to get the most out of this film. I did not notice the things you did about the storm footage. I was too busy thinking about what such footage signified: suffering, death and destruction which made me feel sad for the many others whose stories we did not get to know but they even still matter. I have a copy of this movie and regard it as a wonderful film full of emotional scenes, some which are very hard to take.

"Do All Things For God's Glory"-1 Corinthians 10:31
I try doing this with my posts
