MovieChat Forums > House of Whipcord Discussion > Loved It But The Heroine's Stupid Behavi...

Loved It But The Heroine's Stupid Behaviour In The Car Irritated Me

I absolutely LOVE this movie, but there was one thing that detracted from that enjoyment, and that was the heroine's behaviour when she was in the car with the bloke who was driving her to her ill-fated destiny. When he started behaving strangely (e.g. speeding, not answering her etc.), you would have thought his would have immediately sent alarm bells ringing and that she would have started panicking and attempted to escape from the car. But no. Instead, what did she do? She simply lay back and had a snooze, as he told her to. I ask you! Just as if you would behave like that in real life. Such a dodgy trope goes to stand alongside all those other ridiculous horror tropes we have seen many times before, like where the pursued victim stops to get in the car, or ventures down into the basement, despite warnings against.

But then, when you think of it, if she hadn't have behaved so calmly and stupidly, we wouldn't have had a movie, would we?

The Webmaster


I felt that Penny Irving's character was so traumatized, in shock, and weak from exposure that she was no longer capable of independent action.


We're talking about when she went with the young man TO her ill-fated destination. If she had half a brain, she would have realised that something was up when the young man turned his headlights off while driving, not answering her, etc.
