Animal violence

I didn't know really what to think of this movie until the ending blew my mind and realized that the entire movie is one big elaborate troll. But I just have one question. Is the animal violence real? Because I assumed that it was staged but now I see some comments saying it's real?? Can someone fill me in?



The frogs got blown up for realz. The dog fighting was also real.


Then that's pretty *beep* up. I'm no peta dumbass, but I don't believe in killing animals if you're not going to eat them.


Why does it matter if the animals being killed service a purpose for humans. We're not the defacto supreme beings.

Alejandro makes it pretty clear in his movies that we are not better than animals.


I didn't see him killing any humans in the film. If we're not better than animals, why treat the two with different respects to their lives? Amphibian animals died for his art, human animals didn't. I disagree with that.
I still really enjoy the film. But I have a hard time enjoying the great Conquest of Mexico scene (as well as the dog fighting one) knowing that animals were needlessly harmed for it. On my first viewing I loved that scene...until I realized I was watching real frogs blow up. Then I felt very uncomfortable about it. When the dog fight scene showed, I knew instantly that it was real and was could not enjoy that either. Such a shame, in what is otherwise a *beep* piece of art cinema.


this is the reason why i didn't rate it 10.
otherwise it would be more less fine artistic flick.
